Encyclopedia of Toy Trains
Find out what owners think about their new trains before you buy, and tell others what you think. |
General Topics Discussion Board. A place to ask questions and give advice about Toy Trains. Open to anyone who wants to post a message. |
Lionel's Classic Period Trains.
The classic period trains have added trim, brass or nickel number plates, and are usually painted in bright colors. Later in the classic period, Lionel introduced cheaper lithographed trains. Because they were produced within the same time period they will be covered here. The die cast engines and the scale detailed cars will be covered in another section.
On the following pages you will find pictures of almost all the different trains Lionel produced between 1923 and 1942. I am adding pages as fast as I can shoot the pictures and write the text. This is a time consuming job and I have no way to project when I will be done. However, I should be finished with the Lionel 0 gauge by mid July.
I also will make a page with pictures of the different trains so you can search by picture. However right now I am trying to get the content pages done so that will have to wait.
Note: Pages within this site will move around as the site grows. The index pages will not move. If you are book-marking this site please book mark the pages that say Index in the upper right hand corner of the page.
O Gauge Listings
Electric Outline Locomotives:
Steam Locomotives:
Freight cars:
800 Series Four Wheel Cars and 650, 2650 Series Eight Wheel Cars:
Lithographed Cars:
Enameled Cars:
Lithographed Cars:
ALL Pages, Images, and Layouts Copyrighted 2000 by Terry Gibbs. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction, reprinting or re-posting allowed.