I have a 675 loco I put aside a while back because it was drop dead gorgeous, but missing the smokestack.
I just got the smoke stack in the mail from John at East Coast Trains.
I put six wheel trucks from a 2671W tender onto a prewar 2224W tender so I have a slightly bigger tender.
The 2035 is the same as the 675/2025, but with magnatraction. You don't get the neat rims on the baldwin disc drivers so it's much cheaper.
I want to put together a smoke bulb turbine with a later smoke unit. I like the way the early turbines look without the e-unit lever, but don't like the way the smoke bulb units clank and fail to smoke. Until then I have a nice looking, but touched up 682.
Anyone running postwar should have a 2025/2035/675 and a turbine.
I once ran a turbine 13 hours a day for over a month. I had to put new brushes in every few days. I think the miles worked out to be about 1350. That's THIRTEEN HUNDRED and FIFTY MILES.
None of these new trains would last that long.