This one does have the hole in the end and with the wire handrails dates this to 1924. The earlier ones doesn't have the hole in the end. Collecting the 152 is harder than filling an inside straight. There are sooo many variations. I think I have 12 different. Mfg, corp, axle bushings, no axle bushings rivet coupler, slot coupler, 3 hole hoods, strap hoods, transition hoods, triangle brush plate, dog leg brush plate with caps, dog leg brush plate without caps, square brush plate, rivet brushes, crimp brushes, Nickel trim, brass trim, 154's stamped 152, 150's stamped 152, and on and on. And this doesn't even include the colors! Dark Green, Light Olive Green, Dark Olive Green,Light Grey, Dark Grey, Peacock, WHEW! I guess it all depends on how anal you are as to what you want in your collection.